
Prepare for a career in counseling or further your research skills in Carroll’s 行为健康心理学理学硕士 program. The need for culturally compassionate behavioral health practitioners has never been greater, 减少全社会精神卫生保健差距的呼吁也没有出现. Our program provides clinicians and scholars with the counseling and clinical psychology knowledge and skills required of today’s behavioral health professionals. 

研究生s of Carroll’s MS in Behavior Health Psychology are well prepared to work in a variety of healthcare settings with community and clinical populations as a Licensed Professional Counselor in the state of Wisconsin, 开展应用行为健康研究, 或者作为心理学博士学位的竞争申请人.D. 项目.


Behavioral and mental health are closely related and are often used interchangeably. 在卡罗尔, 我们相信行为健康包括心理健康, spiritual and relational health and acknowledge the role our behavior has on all three. 作为我们项目的毕业生, you will appreciate the part cultural and societal factors play in illness and health. You will help clients reach their goals by working with the interplay between past experiences, 情绪和其他结构与当前和未来的行为相互作用. 同时, you will be prepared to advocate for societal-level initiatives and policies that support communities' behavioral health.


在卡罗尔, you can specialize in one of several concentrations relevant to today’s behavioral health professional.

你的选修课程, 实习, internship placements and thesis or comprehensive projects are all tied to your chosen area of specialization. That means you can develop expertise in your preferred area – an opportunity rarely found in 项目 that prepare clinicians for licensure at the Master’s level.


所有学生都将在该项目中积累至少700个临床小时. We will work with you to secure placements aligned with your chosen concentration areas. 除了, there are opportunities to secure placements closer to home for those who travel a considerable distance for weekend classes.

博天堂官方入口登陆登录为学生提供了多种实习选择. 作为一个实习学生, you build foundational clinical and counseling skills while working alongside seasoned professions in a placement aligned with your selected concentration and career goals. 在完成你两个学期的实习期间, you will gain independence in your clinical work as you prepare for your post-graduate career.



有兴趣了解更多? 联系Brian Ish:
电子邮件- ishb@nemeanbuhar.com 打电话或发短信 262-425-5696
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以证据为基础的治疗 ​ 
You will learn to critically evaluate and apply evidence-based assessment and interventions with a variety of clients. While all training 项目 preparing professional counselors include a course on counseling theories and techniques, 在卡罗尔, you will take an additional course taught by practicing clinical faculty on evidenced-based interventions that have strong scientific support. 在这里,你将批判性地评估研究, 练习技巧, 准备好通过实践和实习进一步发展你的技能.

你也将获得批判性地评价科学的能力, 准备好使用最新的研究来指导你的临床实践. Each and every class emphasizes scientific competencies where you will gain comfort in seeking out research related to your work with clients. You’ll gain the skills to evaluate the research and its applicability to your own work. 心理科学是动态的. 作为我们项目的毕业生, 你将有能力确保你的临床实践与科学一起发展. 

As an applied research graduate, you’ll be prepared to conduct psychological research. 通过高级课程, 为博天堂官方入口登陆登录的研究团队和外部合作伙伴做出贡献, 你的论文项目, you’ll be well positioned to pursue a behavioral health research career or pursue your Ph.D.

以生物-心理-社会-精神模型为指导, 卡罗尔的项目从整体的角度来看待行为, 并决心确保行为医疗保健具有包容性和可及性. 我们的学习项目将使你成为一个富有同情心的人, “临床医生, 对发展敏感, 生物, psychosocial and spiritual contributions to the behavioral health outcomes of diverse populations. 而你将正式上一门“多元文化心理学”课程, 在我们的课程中,每门课程都强调培养文化同情心. 从你的统计学课程到你的心理学历史课程, you’ll be challenged to consider the disparate impact on behavioral health experienced by diverse populations. 您将使用这种理解来概念化客户机, 准备治疗计划, 评价心理学研究, 在社会各阶层倡导社会正义.

在研究实验室应用你的知识和技能, classroom labs and practical settings under the supervision of seasoned professionals. You will team with Carroll faculty and community partners to advance your skills in research, 实践与实习设置, 评估和应对不同人群的独特临床需求.

The 行为健康心理学理学硕士 program is taught in a flexible, 混合格式, 结合了面对面和在线课程. 课程内容主要在网上提供, 允许你在你的时间表上吸收教学材料. 每月去两次, 周五晚上和周六你将在卡罗尔的校园里度过, 通过与学生和教师的材料应用来磨练你的技能. 

For those seeking the terminal degree preparing you for licensing at the Master's level, the 63-credit program can be completed in as few as 22-24 months of full-time study. Students pursuing the 50-55 credit 应用研究 track can complete the program in 20 months if committing to full-time study. We also welcome students who choose a slower-paced progression through part-time study.


博天堂官方入口登陆登录通过高等教育委员会认证. 除了, Carroll’s Behavioral Health Psychology program is officially recognized as an approved training program for the preparation of Licensed Professional Counselors (LPC) by the state of Wisconsin. 因此,毕业生有资格获得威斯康星州的LPC指定. 








CCC是为沃克夏社区提供的免费咨询服务, staffed by faculty and trainees from the Behavioral Health Psychology (BHP) program.







菲比·兰斯伯里(Phoebe Lansbury)与交往四年的男友分手,震惊了她. An undiagnosed panic disorder and general anxiety about her own wellness paralyzed Anna Trenton. And Isabella LaFollette spiraled into a very dark situational depressive episode after an abrupt end to a relationship. Concerns about their mental health and emotional well-being led each to seek out help. 随着去年秋季学期的到来, 每个人都开始在线课程, meeting with graduate students in Carroll’s Behavioral Health Psychology (BHP) program. Nothing remarkable there, except that Phoebe, Anna and Isabella weren’t real people.





